Monday, November 28, 2011

Juan Carlos Cardesin

self portrait with funnel
ink / paper

Friday, November 25, 2011

F. Scott Fitzgerald

c.14 May 1923
Great Neck, L.I.

Dear Mr. X:

Thanks ever so much for the copy of "Flaming Youth." I had of course been reading it as it appeared in the Metropolitan and enjoying it immensely. It will be a great pleasure to start from the beginning and read it thru as I had missed several installments.

Who in the devil are you? Do you know at least a dozen people have asked me if I wrote it. I wish I had but I'm sure I didn't--so who did. Tell me immediately and oblige

Yours Admiringly + Gratefully

F Scott Fitzgerald

Monday, November 21, 2011

Bettina Gilois

Hollywood, California

Nikon D3000
1/13 second
ISO 800
27 mm (35mm equiv.)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Harry Goaz Says . . .

"Everything around here has been spanked and now the yak has escaped from the zoo!"

Monday, November 14, 2011

Breaks Into, Part IV

Naked man breaks into home.

Cooks food.

Takes shower.

Not this one, but the one next door.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Tilda Swinton

Tilda Swinton in Luca Guadagnino's, "I Am Love".


Monday, November 7, 2011

Club Silencio

142 rue Montmarte
Paris, France

1.) cocktail bar
2.) art deco theater
3.) reflective dance floor
4.) stage
5.) smoking room
6.) arts library
7.) all of the above

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Escondite

Los Angeles, California

pet friendly patio*

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

David Lynch

Perhaps surprise is not on the menu of today's moviegoers.

They want reassurance, domestic fairy tales come true, not the astonishment that Jean Cocteau demanded of art.

So all hail the American fringies, those filmmakers who make something different out of next to nothing.

Pinecone Stew