Friday, November 25, 2011

F. Scott Fitzgerald

c.14 May 1923
Great Neck, L.I.

Dear Mr. X:

Thanks ever so much for the copy of "Flaming Youth." I had of course been reading it as it appeared in the Metropolitan and enjoying it immensely. It will be a great pleasure to start from the beginning and read it thru as I had missed several installments.

Who in the devil are you? Do you know at least a dozen people have asked me if I wrote it. I wish I had but I'm sure I didn't--so who did. Tell me immediately and oblige

Yours Admiringly + Gratefully

F Scott Fitzgerald


Randy said...

He was a handsome young man.

Bossy Betty said...

I love F. Scott. The Great Gatsby is one of my favorites.

Geo. said...

Mr. Fitzgerald was trying to find the identity of Fabian, Hopkin's pen name at the time. Hadn't seen this letter. Thanks for posting it!

Sub Radar (Mike) said...

Ah, thanks Geo.

Harmony said...

I love this! And beautiful photograph.

Simone butterfly said...

Tenha um lindo fim de semana, beijos meu amigo, seu blog continua lindo, beijos my friend

Daniel Braga said...

Hey, boy! I was missing you; but here I am. How was your Halloween and Thanksgiving?

Your blog is better than never, trust me. See you around.


dimitri said...

I love this photo. Fitzgerald was so talented.

Lot's Wife said...

Awesome photo, old boy.

M. von Rohmy said...

Nice post as always.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

nice hair over there dude

Luis Nieto del Valle said...

Un gran abrazo, Harry. Muchas gracias por tus visitas. Me gustan las entradas breves e imágenes que pones en tu blog.
Feliz domingo, pues aquí el sábado ya casi pasó.

MATIMARU said...

写真も良い雰囲気で オシャレです。

Papámba. said...

have a good weekend too!

DWei said...

I've never actually read any of his books... ._.

Magic Moments said...

HI.Thans for you visit in my blog...I liked the brief entries and images you put in your blog.Have a nice dy...Michelle.

Equetus said...

Grato pela visita e bom final de semana.


RosaE said...

Me gustan tu post,bonita imagen
Buen inicio de semana
Un saludo

Our Blog said...

Oh Fitzgerald. You scamp you.

SOL da Esteva said...


Continuas com um Blogue muito bem estruturado e, isso, agrada.

Uma feliz semana para ti



Zelda said...

Here darling. Let me fix you another drink.

Cranface said...

Not a fan of the Great Gatsby, but Mr Fitzgerald is certainly one cool dude.

faroukfahmy said...

your blog is very nice and very attractive
nice greetings from your egyptian friend farouk
al farouk

faroukfahmy said...

iam waiting always your visit to my blog and same to me

Paulo Roberto Figueiredo Braccini - Bratz said...

um fenômeno da literatura

Pinecone Stew