Monday, June 20, 2011

Grace Zabriskie

"Little Venus"

13 3/8" tall
base approximately 4" diameter

Vivian Carbonell / Grace Zabriskie


Bob Ross Afro Blog said...

That's a cool bong, man, or pepper grinder.

Dan Elliot Treto said...

xD I think it's actually a light, whatever it may be, still quite expensive just so people can say nice... thing?

Elena said...

Thank four tour visit!

kamikaze said...

Muy original.
Un beso

popgoestheninja said...

I would say it looks like a sex toy, but I don't want to come off as a pervert.

T. Roger Thomas said...

I think these things usually vibrate, right?

Melanie said...


Harmony said...

That's an interesting lamp. I LOVE the boxes on her website.

Blogging Skater said...

i cant tell what the heck it is!

Lucky13 said...

That thing surely looks like some kind of sex toy lol

Electric Addict said...

im so confused lol

"La MoDe" said...

What is this??...a sculpture? a lamp?.....espero que no sea demasiado expensive......

HiFi said...

cool lamp

Cildemer said...

Very nice lamp!
Thanks for sharing. And thanks for visiting my place and taking the time to comment;o)
Have a nice and happy week¤

Cildemer said...

He he he!
the above comment is from Mildred and this one is from Cildemer;o)
But Mr Google is so silly!
Ok then;o) Cildemer and Mildred are the same person;o)

Mildred said...

He is really silly!
He won't let Mildred speak!

Mildred said...

Oh good! He finally let me speak!
Thanks Mr Google;o)

The Hammer said...

very cool, do not want to say what i think it looks like :p

kier said...

it's so beautiful.

BigMike said...

Is that a light or an adult toy 'for her'?

Pinecone Stew