Friday, March 9, 2012

Donald's Holy Head

Donald's holy head, my graciousness butt-crack sandwich.

Donald is a freak like me and always will be and that is why he hangs out on the edge of the woods at the end of the field during recess.

He's the only one over there and he walks back and forth thinking about something that is consuming his life and everything he thinks he knows about it.

His petty little mind is probably full of the dark things that mine is, but he don't know how to be the master of his universe, to blend in and charm and awe like me.

Donald's short life is written all over his long face.


Harmony said...

The view in that photograph is beautiful!

Have a great weekend, Harry! Sending you lots of love. xx

Tahis said...

Hola! Acabo de ver que sigues mi blog, gracias. Espero que te guste.

Anonymous said...

This is about LYPPON..DON is ONTARIO after all?

Simone butterfly said...


selma said...

Oi, convido você para visitar o blog da kika e deixar seu votinho para meu amiguinho Tigre que esta participando do concurso Esconde Esconde .
É só seguir esta REGRINHA:
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obs:o votinho só será válido sendo seguidora e deixar seu votinho no comentário com o número e nome do Tigre.
Este é o link do blog da Kika :
Muito grata eu e o Tigrinho ficaremos muito felizes com a sua marquinha...
Beijos de luz!

10 de Março de 2012 06:13

Randy said...

I would not want to sit with my to the edge. It is very beautiful though.

RAD said...

Cool digs man!

Laura said...

cute blog!

Anonymous said...

great ;>

Arthur Canning said...

Nice prose.

Susan said...

I'm really hoping there is a glass fence there. Otherwise anyone that sits there is gonna have a short life too!

Margaret said...

Painful, beautiful thing. I had a Donald but she was called Heather.

-blessed holy socks, the non-perishable-zealot said...

Don't be so quick to judge others; you're a mortal sinner, too, just as I. Doesn't matter whetha you're an atheist, dude, you'll still be Divinely Judged when you croak and go Upstairs to find-out whetha you deserve either realm for eternity. So, I would seriously think about where YOU wish to be because not having the Almighty in thy lifetime in these few, 85ish years VS. the length and breadth of FO'EVA, makes ya ponder... and not everyone makes Heaven. God blessa youse -Fr. Sarducci, ol SNL

Pinecone Stew