Friday, January 20, 2012

Princess Superstar

a.) everybody wanna come up when I'm at the bar

b.) all of them other chicks wanna take my place

c.) get goin' with the Mastercard, max it hard

d.) you see what I can do on a microphone

e.) all of the above


Magic Moments said...

an interesting picture..I wish you a great weekend..

faroukfahmy said...

Better to take yr place otherwise you would have nothing

martinealison said...

Une photo qui incite la curiosité...
Gros bisous

dorobo said...

An album cover, shot in japan maybe.. she is so gHolden. Never heard of her before. Gonna listen after work if she's any good.

Cloudia said...

rockin da gold!

Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >


bonito póster harri,un saludo de tu amigo cóndor desde bilbao, se feliz.

vn said...

when I saw the title in my dash I thought
and it is!! - classic choice!
loved BAD BABYSITTER when it came
out ... just too far ahead of it's time
- now it'd be huge

ruma said...

Hello, H A R R Y G O A Z.

  Even more severe in winter, but.
  Your work is embraced in your gentleness.

  Thank you for the warmth of your heart.

  The prayer for all peace.   
Have a good weekend. From Japan ruma ❃

Bento Sales said...

Hi, friend Harry!
Very interesting image.
The pricess really is golden.

ilduce said...

I'm plugging for "b.)" It's the answer to everything!

Jon said...

All of the above - - and more!

Antonio Machado said...

Beautiful post!

Moving with Mitchell said...

Bad Babysitter? Princess Superstar? Where have I been?

Monkey said...

all is golden ;)

pS said...

xxx kisses HAIR XXX


Harmony said...

Have a great weekend, Harry!

Harmz xx

La Mode Operandi said...


...all of the above

Hydroxph said...

Nice picture, look like that golden girl from that old James Bond movie.

Anonymous said...


daily athens photo

Ivana said...

Hi Harry! Great cover!

BragonDorn said...

This reminds me of that one movie with Jack Black in year 1000 :P

[[AguiLeons]] said...

look weird

Arnoya Ari said...

There is no bar, no women, a credit card ... what it is used if you have nothing to buy, that's why I made a statue of myself, and sing karaoke for him, are now missing only the female voice. This video is a Finnish singer, as I am ... female singers welcome;)

Ana Márquez said...

Thanks for your kind comment in my blog, your blog is great :-)

Hugs from Free Vintage Images :-)


Harmony said...

*hugs* :)

Ani Braga said...

Passando para deixar um beijo, desejar um final de semana super especial e agradecer as suas visitas sempre tão carinhosas ao meu blog.


FRAN said...

Wow... I´m impressed! Striking!

Un saludo,

Dawn said...

Hello Harry...I googled you. Enjoy your weekend. Dawn Suitcase Vignettes


Muito legal.
Acompanhando por aqui. Abraços!

Susan said...

Huh? Love the photo! But huh?

Kid said...

Can you gimme her 'phone number?

Randy said...

I'm speechless on this one Harry. Have a good rest of your weekend.

KAIIWONG said...

ow gold nude and gold !! Wish the sun made my this golden brown


Down This Road said...

hope you had a rad weekend matey! X


Hello! Very interesting photo! Have wonderful week-end!

Mildred said...

Oh! A golden one! Must be very expensive!

Have a nice and happy week****

Manuel Luis said...

Cartaz já tem! Agora falta o ouro se merecer.

G said...

didn't she die in a Bond film?

Folheto Nanquim said...

Christina Aguilera face´s? What?

★ JASMINE ★ said...

THANKS for the comment! Awesome blog you have!
Happy to be your newest follower!!


follow back <3

Pinecone Stew