Monday, May 14, 2012



Cloudia said...

this is what my cat tells me!
Warm Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral

> < } } (°>

martinealison said...

Ils sont si indépendants... Gros bisous

Jon said...

A cat is a nightmare if you have more than one.....

LoveT. said...

hihi :))

Wish you a great Week!

Jojo said...

Ahah!!! It's true!

s.c said...

Thats true. We say always a dog has an owner and a cat personnel.

Paraskevi Lamprini M. said...

hahaha... funny!

Jéanne said...

My two girls would certainly agree! :)

Unknown said...

How very true! My cat died and I couldn't replace her - too much personality.

Anonymous said...


Adam said...

funny cat humor

黄清华 Wong Ching Wah said...

And a woman is a cat ?

Bossy Betty said...

True! And my cats gave me permission to say that!

Unknown said...

Buenísimo!! :D said...

jajaja!!! Really...They think that!

vn said...

yes - but *who* is man's best friend?!!:)

Harmony said...


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA, priceless

Stephanie Scarpa said...

Love that picture! ♥

S / http://

Alexiev said...


Best wishes from Buenos Aires...
Proyectos - Illustrations
Alexiev Store - venta de originales
@alexievg en twitter

Crack You Whip said...

This is so true!

Moving with Mitchell said...

Love this, especially given my status as a new member of the staff to two cats.

Randy said...

My cats think this way.

barbara l. hale said...

Amen to that, brother! And don't you forget it.
~from the Cat.

Anonymous said...

Au Brésil (je ne sais pas si ça existe par ailleurs) on utilise l'expression: "Pendant la nuit, tous les chats sont gris".

Pour les gens, je n'ai pas de doute!

Dawn said...

Harry, this is so true. My vet just told me how intelligent my cat is...highly intelligent. Does that mean he is smarter than me? Have a great weekend. dawn suitcase vignettes xo

Pinecone Stew