Friday, February 8, 2013

David Lynch

Perhaps surprise is not on the menu of today's moviegoers.

They want reassurance, domestic fairy tales come true, not the astonishment that Jean Cocteau demanded of art.

So all hail the American fringies, those filmmakers who make something different out of next to nothing.


vn said...

bowing down.

Anonymous said...

I do the best I can.

Ton S. said...

Ben Zeitlin, "Beasts of the Southern Wild."

Zoe LG said...

I am 24 years old and I just discovered Twin Peaks (thanks to the Canadian Netflix). I feel that I can breathe again. Cinema is so damn visually boring nowadays. The plots are also too straight to the point.

Thank you for your part in this masterpiece. It is very inspiring.

Antonio Machado said...

Beautiful posts!

Stephanie Scarpa said...

I'm with you on this one, I hope for a change!

/Stephanie / http://

MRanthrope said...

I always knew Lynch was a thug.

Harmony said...

Hellooooo Harrrrrry!!!


YoSueño said...

Hola pasaba por aquí y si me lo permites me quedo. UN SALUDO

Mabel Domínguez said...

Con tu permiso sigo tu blog y busqué en lenguaje el español y no lo encontré.
Gracias por tu visita. Afectuosamente

Anna Brain said...

He's one of my favorite producers!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Hear! Hear!

Pinecone Stew