Hi there! I like your blog very much. I'd like to invite you to my blog connected with fight against eating disorders, cause i think we shouldn't be silent about that. Of course you can find here also mode, make-up, opinions, advices, photos, daily stories, healthy recipes etc. You can trust me you will find something you will like.If you'll like it really much, you can become my new follower. Hope to visit me soon. Have a very nice time. xoxxx Andie
I think the multiple choice question here is, what does an amoeba feel after Binary fission?
I need to rest my eyes. LOL
ALOHA from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
~ > < } } ( ° > <3
When two lonely creatures are caught in a chorus too soon, later never seems to come soon enough.
I've realized it's always better later, when I'ts huried or pushed, It also ends to soon.
Hi there! I like your blog very much. I'd like to invite you to my blog connected with fight against eating disorders, cause i think we shouldn't be silent about that. Of course you can find here also mode, make-up, opinions, advices, photos, daily stories, healthy recipes etc. You can trust me you will find something you will like.If you'll like it really much, you can become my new follower. Hope to visit me soon. Have a very nice time. xoxxx Andie
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