Friday, November 8, 2013


1.)  Put on cape.

2.)  Fly.

3.)  Save.


Adam said...

cool car

Geo. said...

The instructions are so simple, you'd think more people would become superheroes.

Pinecone Stew said...

No kidding, Geo!

Arianna said...

I remind this car! Arianna

★MaRiBeL★ said...

▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ★Feliz Semana★
❥B E S I T O S

María Gladys Estévez said...

And cross the sky ...

Friko said...

I want the car eve if I dont want to fly around in it.

Would it hover and automatically float out of the way and around other airborne vehicles?

That would do me.

GAVIOTA said...

Excellent car!!!
clear instructions!!
I love its color!!!

AVY said...

There are other ways to fly.


Homem, Homossexual e Pai said...

just perfect! dont forget your sun protector!

Miguel A. Urgel Fotografía said...

This is the car of my dreams, maybe someday ......

Ishtar said...

A tiburon is the best beast to fly.

Pinecone Stew