She looked as good and old as her silver Series III XKE. She stayed at the beach two summers past her prime. The dogs on the beach would turn and squint their eyes at here when she walked by. Not everything was as bright as the sun this year. A few things were, but not everything.
Jaguars have the uncanny ability to infuse their ancient drivers with eternal youth. Unfortunately,things are never as bright as the sun.....
Dear Harry, the Sun is 4.603 billion years-old, not quite as old as my VW Bus but, yes, brighter. I love the picture of your shadow taking a photo of you.
Dear Harry, I'm compelled to respond to the comment above from the Al-Khobar house-cleaning company because of their inclusion of شركة مكافحة الحمام بالخبر
(translation: anti-bathroom news) among their services. I have always been in favor of bathrooms and am too old to change. I can learn to read a little Arabic, but still need bathrooms.
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