Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Kevin At The Getty

a.) oh dear, it's got that need to be assembled look to it

b.) with more specificity a pirational movement, but not indicative of the final stage of planning

c.) aliens have been going to Asia for decades

d.) all of the above


PaulBlark said...

Thats a pretty freaky picture

MRanthrope said...

D! all of em.

Nope said...

Oh what the hell, that has do be D, all of the above, if anything.

"La MoDe" said...

uhhmmm........maybe the C......planet of horsemens...jajaja

who the fuck is N.? said...

thanks a lot! :D


hehe. funny!

HiFi said...

dude, that's bizare.

Jane Alisa said...


ed said...

all of the above

DEZMOND said...

I always thought Japan represents alien headquarters on Earth!

A Kid At Heart said...

D! all the above!

Krzysztof Kałuszka said...

thx for your visit on my blog.

Cool photos! love this one with horses. hehehe

Charley said...

hiya, couldnt help noticing that you commented on another blog that you love glee. Well, that's exactly what my blog's on, so follow me! :)

Just Me said...

wow, weird.

AnnGy Henríquez said...

Joo, i like the picture, horses (: jaja amazing. Comment me :P

Lopez Picardo said...

absolutely surrealistic!!

Armand Cordero said...

it's definitely B. I'm sure of it

Pinecone Stew