Friday, June 3, 2011

And Then It Was Summer

Malibu, California


Bob Ross Afro Blog said...

Yep. It's fucking summer.

Astronomy Pirate said...

Wish I was there.

leandroaleixo said...

Fala sério!! Isso e o paraiso!!

Our Blog said...

Lucky. It's supposed to be damn nice up here this weekend, but not that nice.

"La MoDe" said...

your love, a little of peace and "the sea"......Is the paradise!....good weekend!

Antonio Mariani Dablokesh said...

immagine molto invitante.

kxxthanxx said...

nice weather here

Unknown said...

ooooooooooooooooh! I wanna be in that pool right now!

Melanie said...

hell yes.

WomanHonorThyself said...


ed said...

cant go wrong with all that blue

Unknown said...

uuf!! and I´m burning here!!!gloal

Charlie said...

I have peed in that pool over a 100 times. WINNING said...

Veliki pozdrav, dragi prijatelju!

wolvz said...

woooow... i wish i could have a pool like that :O

hellfire ✚ said...

quien como tu bella foto ;]

T. Roger Thomas said...

To the pool tomorrow!

Ken Mac said...

for sure...

This is Belgium said...

thanks for leaving a comment .. happy to discover your special blog that way

hellfire ✚ said...


jennyfreckles said...

Wish my summer looked like that!

Electric Addict said...

SUPER clean

Randy said...

Love the colors in this shot!

Birdman said...

LOVE your captions with your shots. Hilarious!

Maria said...

Thanks for your comment! Nice blog and photos!

Vince^_^ said...


Anonymous said...

this is a blog mmmm

Jesse Crows said...

such a beautiful view!

brn said...

wow that is beyond beautiful!

Sean said...

very nice indeed

MRanthrope said...

can't wait to start swimming again.

Armand Cordero said...

I would literally do anything to be there and not here right now. England feels like autumn if not colder. But then again, this is what England is....

Malgorzata Ingstad said...

Canot be more summer than here. Clean. clear, none special effects and details - amazing!

Pinecone Stew